Get Involved!
There are many ways to make an impact in your local community. Here are several resources that promote advocacy, training, and offer support for families and individuals with disabilities.
Early Intervention Connections Local Interagency Coordinating Council (EI LICC) is focused on families using Infant/Toddler and Preschool early intervention services. We are a group of parents, professionals
and other community members who care about young children with special needs and their families. We are working to ensure quality early intervention services in our community. Please visit our page to learn how you can take part in shaping the early intervention services delivered.
Early Intervention Connections LICC page
Pennsylvania State Interagency Coordinating Council (SICC) is a Governor appointed council that advises and assists the Departments of Health, Education, and Human Services to ensure that a comprehensive delivery system of integrated Early Intervention programs and services is available to all eligible infants, toddlers, and young children and their families.
If you wish to receive ongoing communication regarding the SICC, including meeting notifications, please email RA-PWSICC@pa.gov
Competence and Confidence: Partners in Policymaking (C2P2) offers a unique opportunity for families to learn how they can work with policymakers to make a meaningful difference in the quality of life for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and/or autism at no cost to participate. To learn more, please view their page.