April 10, 2024 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Families to the Max:

PA Statewide Family Network

Virtual Family Training Series

Join the Families to the MAX (F2MAX), PA’s Statewide Network, for trainings created for families! We’ll discuss special education topics such as Presuming Competence, Access to the General Education Curriculum, and more. Network with families and family support representatives from across the state, and relax in virtual sessions that fit your needs, interests, and schedule (each course has a choice of a day OR evening option!). Courses may be taken individually or as part of the series. Register now at https://www.tfaforms.com/5101188 or contact sjanosik@pealcenter.org or lbrew@pealcenter.org for more information!

Access to the General Education Curriculum Across Settings

The importance of, and strategies used to, provide access to the general education curriculum, regardless of placement.

February 8th @ 7-8pm

February 14th 12-1pm

Collaborating on School Teams in Ways That Make a Difference

Families and Professionals further develop skills to be collaborative and effective in decisions that provide positive outcomes for students.

March 13th @ 12-1pm

March 14th @7-8pm

Maximizing Communication and Learning for Your Child

The “what”, “why”, and “how” of speech, language, communication, Assistive Technology (AT, and Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)

April 10th @12-1pm

April 11th @7-8pm

Leading Change

Learn how families have been initiators and leaders in making change in schools in partnership with educators and the community.

May 8th @12-1pm

May 9th @7-8pm