October Support Groups
Caregiver Support Group
October 4, 2023- 2:30pm-4pm- Zoom OR
October 16, 2023- 6:30pm-8pm- Zoom
We have a safe place, meeting EACH MONTH, for you to connect with other caregivers who understand the things you are dealing with and find the support you need as a caregiver.
- In this support group, we talk about stress, self-care, family dynamics, and more.
- We want to care for you as you care for your loved one(s).
- The last twenty (20) minutes of the meeting will focus on relaxation techniques and your loved ones are welcomed to join us at that time.
Registration Link for October 4th – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88541364981?pwd=WnUyYjJuNjVwTndYeTNkYlJzN1ZPQT09
Registration Link for October 16th – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84368482215?pwd=V3NqdzdobGRpRE5XYWE0bGdxalJLZz09
Sibling Good Life Group
October 16, 2023- 7pm-8:30pm- Zoom
This group of adult siblings will have the opportunity to…
- Guide the group’s direction and network with other sibling
- Talk about your lived experience, hear from experts on topics relevant to sibling life, have open and informative discussions, and plan for a future that holds true potential for you and your family.
Anyone thought of like a sibling or in a sibling-like role is welcome!
Registration Link- https://zoom.us/j/92030951125?pwd=Vit0LzB5R25qKzRFWm9iM1hyYzRWQT09
Check out the calendar for a list of their other upcoming events!