Power Talk With ODP
Friday January 12, 10am-12pm
Do you have questions about, or issues with, the supports and services for people with intellectual disabilities and or autism (ID/A) in PA? Join us for our monthly chat with staff from the PA Office of Development Programs (ODP), the government office that oversees and funds those supports and services. People with ID/A in PA can speak up with ODP staff, and others are welcome to listen and learn. We start the calls reviewing the questions we already gathered and sent to ODP, then talk about them with ODP staff. After the ODP staff leave, you are invited to stay on for a bit while we discuss what we heard, and gather questions to send to ODP for next month. Please send questions to anita@sau1.org by Jan. 4.
How to Join:
For video and audio by computer or smartphone, get the passcode from Carla anytime before the event!
Call 724-588-2378 or Email: power@sau1.org
The day of the event, go online at sau1.me/zoom then enter the passcode or join right from our online events calendar at sau1.me/events and enter the passcode.