55 Miller Street
PA 17025
Ready, Set, Explore! Multilingual Literacy
Where: CAIU, 55 Miller St, Enola, PA 17025
When: December 8th, 4:30pm-7pm
At this FREE event, families can talk with educators, enjoy interactive multilingual story times, collect take-home multilingual resources, and participate in on-the-spot early intervention screenings and informational sessions.
Together, we’ll explore multilingual literacy and practice speaking and learning another language. Learning stations are designed for children and teens, ages 3 – 14, who are bilingual in – or learning – Spanish and English.
Families and their children will have an opportunity to practice their multilingual skills through coding and robotics, by playing phonics games, and by writing in a language that’s new to them.
Your family will also have the chance to meet one of our favorite PBS KIDS characters – WordGirl!
RSVP- https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ready-set-explore-multilingual-literacy-registration-738014309667?aff=flyervanity