Take Your Seat at the Table
Virtual Community Listening Sessions
Southeast, PA
May 29th, 6:30-8pm
Northeast, PA
May 30th, 6:30-8pm
We want to hear your experiences with the systems in place to support our families across the lifespan. Who should attend: Individuals and families affected by intellectual and developmental disabilities, including Autism.
These Community Forums aim to pinpoint key topics and themes that will contribute to the development of a unified Family Advocacy Agenda across the Commonwealth.
Vision for Equality has been awarded a grant from the Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council to create a network of organizations that support families of people with disabilities. A space where we bring organizations together to learn from and support one another. It will be a place where people can connect, learn what resources network members have, and have a place where family members can collectively advocate to speak as one formidable voice. This agenda will be presented to our State Legislature.
Click here to sign up for May 29th, Southeast, PA-
Click here to sign up for May 30th, Northeast, PA- https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAodeuoqjwuHN1bezMEdeVvpCt3cK9dC_60#/registration