Taking Control of Your Life Learning Sessions
Home & Community Based Services
Friday, February 2, 10am-11:30pm
Community Participation and Support & Supported Employment
Friday, March 1, 10am-11:30am
In Home & Community Support & Housing Transition & Tenancy Sustaining Services
Friday, April 5, 10am-11:30am
Participant Directed Services
Friday, May 3, 10am-11:30am
PDS Financial Management Services: Agency with Choice & Vendor Fiscal Employer Agent
Friday, June 7, 10am-11:30am
Life Sharing & Supported Living
Friday, August 2, 10am-11:30pm
Values Into Action was awarded grant funding from the Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council. We are calling the project Taking Control of Your Life (TCYL).
We are hosting a series of webinars. These sessions will help people with disabilities, families, and professionals learn about services. Sessions will include:
- an overview of the topic
- presentation from service providers and people who use the service
Above is the list of topics and the schedule.
All sessions will be held virtually on Zoom. Registration is required for each session you plan to attend.