A Guide to Help the Weary Find Rest
It is widely acknowledged that rest is essential to every human’s health and well-being. However, it is often one of those things that is easier said than done. Finding a spare moment, within a seemingly endless stretch of days that are packed with caregiving, can seem impossible. If we do find a moment, it can be difficult to allow ourselves to rest when there is so much work left to do. And even if we can find a spare moment, and we are able to push past the guilt of not being productive for that moment, most of us don’t know how to rest in a way that will be rejuvenating to our bodies, minds, and souls. Sitting down to watch a favorite tv show, play a video game, or scroll on social media can certainly be fun and relaxing! However, activities such as these won’t typically give us the type of rest we need to feel refreshed enough to carry on. If you find that you’re exhausted and struggling, try the ideas below to learn how to rest in a way that might help you feel more refreshed and ready to take on life’s challenges.
- No time? The first step to finding time is to acknowledge that the work you do is never-ending. There will likely never be a point in time when absolutely all of your work is complete. That’s just the nature of life! Next, you must acknowledge that in order to accomplish all of that work to the best of your ability, you need rest. Once you understand both of these universal truths, you can then find or create time to rest. Look for the things on your list that can wait until later, and then… let them wait! Delegate tasks to others. Ask family and friends for help. Find ways to consolidate tasks to shorten their timeframes. Do whatever you can to find the time. Even 5 minutes a day to devote to rest can do wonders for a weary soul.
- Full of guilt? Our culture often leads us to believe that resting is lazy. Our culture is wrong. Everyone needs rest, and everyone deserves rest! Rest is as essential as food, water, and sleep. Just as we cannot function well without those basic necessities, we also cannot function without rest. It may take practice, but it’s important to reframe the idea of rest. Take time to remind yourself that rest is not lazy, it is essential. And remember, if you are attempting to rest while berating yourself for the things you haven’t gotten done, you will not feel rested. Allow yourself this moment, guilt-free, so you can return refreshed!
- Not sure what to do? You may be thinking, “If tv shows, video games, and scrolling won’t work, what can I do to rest?” While each of those things can provide fun and relaxation, they simply aren’t the best ways to achieve a true sense of rest. If you’re struggling to find ways to rest, here are some 5-minute ideas that may work for you:
- Go outside. Whether you choose to take a quick walk or stand and watch the wind blow through a tree or simply sit with your eyes closed as you listen to the sounds around you, being outside, and focusing on what your senses are picking up, can offer you rest from everyday life. Stroll around and connect with your inner child. Find a pretty leaf. Follow the flight of a bird. Look at the clouds and imagine what the shapes could be. Whatever you choose, let the rest of the world fall away, along with your worries and struggles. Allow yourself to simply be in the moment, as if nothing else in the world exists.
- Guided meditation. There are thousands of free, 5-minute guided meditations available on the internet. Find one and give it a try! Listening to someone’s soothing voice and allowing their words to guide you can lead you towards relaxation. Contrary to popular belief, you’re not doing it “wrong” if thoughts of what you need to do pop into your head during meditation. It can be very hard to completely empty your mind. Instead of aiming for perfection, when a thought pops into your head, acknowledge it, and then don’t engage with it. Just let the thought slip away. As you practice meditation, it will become easier to focus.
- Pro tip: If your home is too loud and chaotic to pay attention to the meditation, try using headphones, or sit in your car, or grab a blanket and lay down somewhere outside!
- Deep breathing. While there are many different breathing techniques that can help with relaxation, deep breathing is a classic. First, find a comfortable position. Then, close your eyes and take a deep full breath in slowly through your nose, hold for a count of 5, and then slowly exhale through your nose. As you repeat, try to extend the depth of your breath and the amount of time you take for each step. Once you feel you’ve mastered this technique, search the internet for others!
- Shake it off! Often, we equate relaxation with being still. Let’s set the record straight: we do not need to be still to relax. In fact, many suggestions for relaxation involve moving our bodies! One great way to achieve relaxation is through dancing to your favorite song. Choose a fast, upbeat song and dance like no one’s watching! Or choose a slow, gentle song and sway quietly. Whatever song you choose, let it envelop you so that it pushes away all thoughts of anything else for a moment.
- Brain dumping. Sometimes the best way to relax is to get it all out. Take a few minutes to sit down and write out anything that’s on your mind. If you sit down, and nothing comes to you, write that! Write, “I have nothing to say”. Putting pen to paper, no matter what comes out, is the best way to start writing. It can be in any form: a list, long sentences, doodles intermixed with words, whatever works best for you! Simply getting everything out onto paper can help calm your mind.
If none of these options are appealing to you, don’t give up! There are so many more ideas out there. Just keep trying new things and keep finding new ways to give yourself opportunity to rest. As with most things, resting will become easier with practice. Rest won’t solve all of your problems, but it may offer you the strength and patience you need to keep going.