Samaritan Fellowship

Crisis help to persons living in Carlisle and South Middleton school districts, Middlesex Township and Gardners area. Provides emergency financial and other assistance to help people with rent, utility bills, food, clothing and health care. It also has a ministry that provides free, used furniture to needy people.

333 Spring Garden Street
Carlisle United Methodist Church
Carlisle, PA
Business Phone Number
Parking, ramp into sanctuary, and restroom. Call Allison United Methodist Church office (717-243-5962) for any necessary accommodations.
Other Information
Please bring along the following information: 1) Proof of I.D. such as Social Security card, drivers license, or birth certificate; 2) proof of income information such as pay stubs, SSI, Public Assistance unemployment benefits, etc.; 3) eviction note, if rent is overdue; 4) proof of medical illness if reason for needing help; 5) proof of home expenses if applying for household needs; and 6) document reason(s) you need to apply for help such as proof of income loss.
Age Group
Early Childhood, School Age, Adult