A Child’s Eyes
Business Genre

It's more than just glasses it's a new vision! The days when children's glasses were an add-on of the eyewear industry are over. Glasses for kids are cool, fun and durable. We are leading the way with an independent optical shop exclusively for children. What that means is that you can bring your prescription from the doctor of your choice to our dispensary and have the entire selection of frames to choose from instead of the 20-50 frames that most dispensaries have. Having a large variety of glasses not only ensures that you and your child will find the perfect-looking pair of glasses but coming to see a master-certified optician means you'll leave with a perfectly fitted pair of glasses also

4705 E. Trindle Road
Mechanicsburg, PA
Business Phone Number
Accessibility features include parking, buildling access, and restrooms
Other Information
Specializes in fitting children with special needs or facial disfigurement with glasses
Age Group
Early Childhood, School Age