The Capital Area Employment 1st Coalition is collaboration of individuals from the local counties, service providers, employers, and community stakeholders who believe in several overarching principles related to employment for all individuals, including individuals with intellectual disabilities and autism. They are committed to sharing the knowledge and resources that will make every individual a success story.
The Center for Independent Living of Central Pennsylvania (CILCP), a 501(c)(3) agency, is a consumer controlled, cross disability organization dedicated to assisting people with disabilities to achieve and maintain independent life styles. The CILCP's mission is to advance the rights of persons with disabilities through the elimination and prevention of barriers that people with disabilities experience.nnCILCP provides services for independent living, ADA technical assistance, assistive technology resource, interpreters, and counseling; personal attendant care for people with disabilities.
Family Support of Central PA is an organization that helps prevent child abuse and build family strength. Family Support of Central PA is a state affiliated child abuse prevention organization. Our agency helps prevent child abuse and builds family strength through support and educational programs for parents and grandparents. Affiliated with Pressley Ridge.
Provides comprehensive lead poisoning prevention, blood-lead screening, control services, medical referral, education for parents and others in the community and more. Through entertaining programs, free lead poisoning screenings, free cleaning kits; home assessments and other activities, the program advances the message, "Be Lead Safe."
Information and referral to craniofacial specialists and facilities near the caller. Also offers travel, food and lodging when traveling for surgery.
This online support group was created by parents of 12 yr old with DX Autistic disorder/MR/ADHD/deaf in the left ear to help parents find out more about this disorder. Also covers topics such as, SSI, sensory issues, laws for children's education rights, and information on autism.
Educational and networking opportunities for cleft lip/palate and other craniofacial patients and their families, including insurance issues.
Formerly called: South Central Region Key, PA Early Learning The Pennsylvania Keys to Quality consists of a statewide PA Key and five Regional Keys and is a system of supports for Keystone STARS and other programs including: professional development opportunities for early childhood and school-age providers, independent Environmental Rating Scale (ERS) assessments for early learning and school-age programs, community engagement and outreach
Community Services Group is the preferred choice for individuals and referral sources because of CSG’s network of comprehensive mental health, IDD, children and adult services and its commitment to empowering individuals and promoting independence.
Information and referral, special events, and fundraising
Comprehensive online disability resource
Support Group
The Eastern Pennsylvania Hemophilia Foundation supports medical research and provides financial assistance, education, family programming, and advocacy at the state and federal level to benefit local patients with hemophilia, von Willebrand disease and other factor deficiencies.
Information and support related to epilepsy. Also offers Seizure Training, Social Events, Service Dogs, Movement Monitors and Emergency Medication.
All families of children who are deaf or hard of hearing (DHH), blind or visually impaired (BVI), or deaf-blind (DB) are invited to sign up for the PaTTAN Family Resource Group.n The goal of this group is to send out resources, event information, and contacts that can benefit your family and child. It is an easy way for you to get updates and take advantage of any available opportunities.
Information and referral, support, and programs and workshops about food relationships with ADD/ADHD, chemical sensitivities, and other learning disabilities
Website provides information on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
The urgent mission of The Foundation Fighting Blindness is to drive the research that will provide preventions, treatments, and cures for people affected by retinitis pigmentosa, macular degeneration, Usher syndrome, and the entire spectrum of retinal degenerative diseases.nFor a $25.00 annual membership fee FFB offers information and referral services for affected individuals and their families as well as for doctors and eye care professionals. The Foundation provides comprehensive information kits on retinis pigmentosa, macular degeneration and usher syndrome. Our newsletter InFocus, and our e-newsletter, InFocus online present articles on coping, research updates, and Foundation news.
Support group for adults and children who have dietary concerns regarding gluten foods. For over 46 years, the Gluten Intolerance Group has been a leading resource for the gluten-free community. A GIG group is available through PennState Health