Our timeline for school age (ages 3 to 21) covers a broad period of immense social, emotional, and intellectual growth. During these formative years, we want to ensure an appropriate education for our loved ones, but it can be difficult to navigate the education system, especially as a student with a disability. We encourage you to check out the pages in this section to familiarize yourself with special education laws and resources to better advocate for your loved one’s education. Under “Additional Resources,” you can find brochures and other files to link you with organizations that can help you with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs), Evaluation Reports (ERs), and other documents.

Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network (PaTTAN)
We encourage you to spend some time browsing the PaTTAN website. Exploring this site is important for learning about special needs education in Pennsylvania and subsequently, being able to advocate for your child’s success in the classroom. There are many resources on this site dealing with topics like legal issues, parent advocacy, and assistive technology. We have pulled out a few in the additional resources below to help get you started. Moreover, you can direct any questions that may arise while browsing the site here.