Now that Summer has left us and Fall has officially arrived, here are just a few fall-related snacks that you can make with your little one. Below, are easy, creative and fun snacks you can do together (adult help will be needed for some of the preparation for these). These are a little more healthier approaches to snack time while having quality time (and fun!) with your child.
Let’s start off the edible “tree”. Shaunna Evans, a mother herself, has come up with an easy tree snack for kids recipe. The possibilities are endless with the amount of creativity you can use. Shaunna gives variations of ingredients to use with this recipe, and also some educational element ideas to go along with this treat.
Next, you can check out these Sugar Crunch Apples from the San Antonio-based store, H-E-B. H-E-B is a family owned chain of stores, who specialize in locally grown produce in Texas. Granted, this recipe may have a little more sugar than you may want your little one to have, however, you can always limit the amount of sugar to use on the outside when sprinkling it onto the apples. Depending on the size of your child (and their teeth), you can also cut up the apple, and follow the same recipe for just apple slices, if a whole apple would be too much.
For an afternoon of fun, here is a recipe made from pumpkins. Very soon, we’ll be carving them. After going through the fun of getting those squishy pumpkin seeds out, instead of just throwing them away, why not try to make something more out of it? Kate Merker’s Sweet and Salty Pumpkin Seeds can be a delicious way to go. This will require more time
and help from an adult, however, children can have quite a bit of fun shaking and stirring the seasonings onto these seeds. While the seeds are baking in the oven, you can be decorating your pumpkins! Making a mosaic type of art project with the pumpkin seeds by painting them can be a fun alternative too.