
The very word itself creates a feeling of anticipation and excitement. As a child and young adult, my grandparents always took me along on trips in their RV.

We went everywhere—from the mountains to the beach, and we approached any and every accessibility challenge we faced with a “we can do this” attitude.

Although we went many places, I especially remember one trip to Williamsburg when I was small. Fascinated with reenactments, I still can feel the thrill of seeing the colonists and the “redcoats” engaging in battle.

As a result of my experiences as a young child, I will enthusiastically agree to go almost anywhere, and still maintain the same “can do” attitude. Sometimes my powered wheels just can’t go places, so I have a manual wheelchair, too. No problem!

This next week, I will be going to the Finger Lakes Region of New York State with my friend, Alta. Needless to say, I’m excited. I always have a wonderful time there, and I have no reason to doubt that this time will be any different. It’s beautiful country there and I certainly enjoy the scenery; Seneca Lake is nearby as is Lake Cayuga.

We are staying with her mother, who has made every effort to have her home made accessible, including having a ramp built.

We will visit museums, vineyards and local markets, to name just a few of our activities. There will be a boat ride, a family dinner, and church on Sunday.

This family is a Mennonite family, so we may even make homemade noodles one day, which is an all-day process. All in all, I am as always, really looking forward to this trip, and will tell you more later.

Can I just say that vacationing and summer rocks!

-Hope Johnson

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