This blog is dedicated to all the moms out there who feel under appreciated. We’re gearing up for a big celebration day in which we may receive candy, flowers, cards and perhaps if we’re lucky, someone to make us a meal. Maybe breakfast in bed? Is that what we really want?

Am I the only mom who has an anxiety attack when I hear my family making breakfast on mother’s day morning and I’m forced to stay in bed and listen to the chaos? My typical thought pattern…Oh dear I think that was maple syrup exploding in the microwave. I wonder who will clean that up? Daddy? Fingers crossed.

Mother's day cardI love the candy, flowers and cards- don’t get me wrong. I love going out for dinner. I love presents. But what I really want is…HUGS, KISSES and WORDS of appreciation! I love the little handmade cards with misspelled words and sentimental stick drawings. Comparing them from year to year is so much fun. For a mom, knowing your child thought about what mother’s day means and made some sort of physical expression ahead of time is priceless.

mom muffin poem


Can you relate? Most of these tasks go completely unnoticed by family members. Have you ever worked your entire day running from task to task trying to accomplish everything on your list and realize you never even brushed your hair? It is almost time for bed, so who cares? Maybe you never even crossed #1 off your list? It seems the work is never finished and there are always more needs to be met up until the second you close your eyes to sleep each night.


mom salary’s 14th Annual Mom Salary Survey

Oh Mom! How you are so needed, loved and yet under appreciated. Each of us as mothers could create our own version of this with our own specialized circumstances. If you are a “special mom” of a special child then your poem would be different. Maybe you are struggling with difficult behaviors, children with difficulty expressing themselves, or children that struggle to physically keep up with their peers. Regardless of whom we are mothering, it takes effort, patience and perseverance.

On Mother’s day, every person in the family does usually take a moment to stop and think about what mom actually does. If they don’t, you have permission to explain it to them. The charts above may help give them a visual representation. Chances are, your family appreciates you, but just doesn’t tell you enough how important you are.

tiny fingersFor most of you, your dream was to become a mother. Your greatest achievements are your children. You work hardest on being a mom. You are constantly tested and physically exhausted but you are winning most battles. You have spent years sacrificing in preparation for your child’s independence and it’s working. There is no manual for raising children but you are making it up as you go. Your retirement from motherhood is nowhere in sight but that idea brings you comfort. You’ll continue learning motherhood your whole life and enjoy most of the lessons. This journey has helped you to realize the sacrifices your mother made for you and most importantly, helped you value your own mother.

Happy mother's day


Let us love each other and celebrate “all things maternal”. If you are blessed to have a relationship with your mom, take the time to tell your mom that you appreciate her and why. To appreciate and be appreciated, it is the most important thing to do today.




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