Handouts and resources from the Tiny Talkers trainings are available below. Click any document to view it individually, or use the “PDF” button at the bottom of this page to save the entire list for future reference.

May 2, 2016

101+ ideas for using single communication devices – PDF
Tiny Talkers Ablenet Session – PDF
iOS 7 Accessibility Switch Control User Guide – PDF
iOS 9 Accessibility Switch Control User Guide – PDF

April 4, 2016

Accessing Devices for Trial and Funding Purposes – PowerPoint PDF
Sample AAC Evaluation Report Birth-3 – Word   PDF
Generic AAC Evaluation Report – Word   PDF
Generic Appeal Letter – Word  PDF

January 4, 2016

Tiny Talker Meeting Notes – Word  PDF

December 7, 2015

Talking Points for Families, Discussions about Using Devices for Communication – PowerPoint  PDF

November 18, 2015

WATI Student Information Guide – Communication
Feature Match Comparison Chart
AAC Feature Grid – Low Tech
AAC Feature Grid – High Tech

September 21, 2015

SETT Information – Word   PDF
Assistive Technology SETT Framework – Word   PDF
Assistive Technology Support Request – Word  PDF
Using the SETT Framework –link
Dynamic Assistive Technology Evaluation (DATE) – link
Communication Matrix – link
Williams Gardner App Sheet – PDF
AAC Feature Match – PDF

Book references:

Augmentative & Alternative Communication Profile: A Continuum of Learning Tracy M. Kovach, Ph.D. (2009)
This is a profile designed to assess communicative competence and design intervention for people who us AAC. Ages 2-21.

Early Functional Communication Profile: A Dynamic Assessment for Social Communication Disorders   Sharlet Lee Jensen (2012) Ages 2-10.
This is a profile designed to assess social communication.

Every Move Counts Clicks and Chats Sensory Based Approach: Communication and Assistive Technology   Jane Edgar Korsten, MS/SLP, Terry Vernon Foss, M.Ed., Lisa Mayer Berry, MOTR/L (2007). For all ages.
This is a manual designed to assess individuals with profound and severe sensor-motor differences.

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